These schools will be using National Federation of High School (NFHS) rules with the following specific items to note:

  • 30 minute halves**

**For PVIS only – games at PVIS will be back to back so you will have consecutive games. Their actual schedule is for a 3:30 start for the first game but Arbiter start time says 3:20, If the visiting team is ready to go by 3:20 please start your game. This is because there are no lights, and you will probably start running out of daylight toward the end of the second game.  If you cannot start first game by 3:20 cut the halves down to 25 minutes for each game and keep things moving with minimal delays.

  • Unlimited substitutions, with prior referee approval, on all stoppages in play.
  • Rosters are not required.

Game Fees are payable in cash at the field.

Wear your SBSRA Badge

Participating Schools: