These are all single referee games so remember to call in 1-4 hours ahead of time: 310-955-9905 option 1.


Lugo Park, 7810 Otis Ave, Cudahy, CA 90201 (directions)


League Rules


  • There are two Divisions:
    • 8 – 9 Years (no heading)
    • 10 – 12 Years (heading permitted)
    • Ball size 4 for both divisions
    • Both divisions play 25 minute halves
  • Shinguards required and absolutely no jewelry
  • Free subs on any stoppage
  • Offside is enforced
  • No slide tackling, penalized by Indirect Free Kick. A Slide Tackle is defined as any attempt to play the ball while any part of the body, except the feet, is on the ground.
  • SBSRA pays Referee Fees by check monthly
  • City/YMCA league so the environment is not like a club league, be a teacher more than a referee
  • Coaches are not allowed on the field
  • Game Fees
  • League contacts: