What is CORE?
Center of Referee Education (CORE) is a program established by Cal South State Referee Committee (SRC). It is open to all USSF certified referees. It consists of physical trainings & lectured meetings for referees who want to improve their referee fitness and preparedness and may be looking to be at the elite level of Cal South in the future.
Emphasis is placed on both physical fitness and classroom instruction. Referees attending this event are expected to come prepared with material for physical fitness (i.e.: tennis shoes, whistle, cards, flags) as well as material for classroom (IFAB Laws of the Game, paper and pen).
These trainings are for referee self-development and do not count towards recertification.
SBSRA collaborates with Cal South to host Center of Referee Education (CORE) training sessions with top level instructors brought in by Cal South for every session.
The SBSRA-sponsored CORE sessions are held at North High School in Torrance. Each session begins with physical fitness training at 7:00 PM and the classroom training starts around 8:00 PM, ending at approximately 9:15 PM. The session’s on-field activities includes physical conditioning and match like situations to enhance refereeing mechanics. After the field work, the session moves to the cafeteria for an hour of education and video analysis of match situations.
It is recommended that you print the following and bring them with you for the classroom sessions:
Please note that while CORE is free and open to anyone, in order to get credit for attendance you will need your Cal South Member User Name and Password to register for the next sessions on the Cal South website.