Leagues and Points of Contact

Single Referee Call-In: 310-955-9905 option 1:  Referees assigned to single (1 referee) matches must call-in at least 1 hour, but no earlier than 4 hours, before the match start time so the Assignor knows that all single referee matches are being covered. If the Assignor does not receive the call in, the Assignor will look for a replacement referee who will be sent to the pitch and the referee who failed to call in will forfeit the referee fees to the other referee. Additional details are in the Association Guidelines under VII. AVAILABILITY AND MATCH ASSIGNMENTS, Confirming coverage for single-referee assignments.

Referee Reports: As the Referee, it is a requirement that you fill out a Referee Report which is available as PDF fillable form and send it to our Member-at-Large within 24 hours of issuing any red card (send-off) in any of your matches or any time you terminate a match or anytime there is a serious injury.  Click here to access the Referee Report form and for additional information on how to submit the form to the MAL.

League Point of Contacts: The SBSRA League Points of Contact are available to logged in Members only to answer any questions about the applicable leagues which are not related to assigning or red card/send-offs. Those questions should go to the SBSRA Assignor or Member at Large. To access the Leagues we serve and our applicable Points of Contact, please log in to the Members page and then select “Leagues and Points of Contact”.

Parking Reimbursement: Parking fees are typical referee business expenses like gas and uniforms so SBSRA does not reimburse for parking except in the rare case when NO free parking is available. (Even if that means you have to walk a little to the pitch.)  In the very few locations where there is no free parking, SBSRA will reimburse parking per the parking reimbursement policy in the Association Guidelines under XII OTHER IMPORTANT MATTERS , Parking reimbursement. Currently, locations with no free parking is limited to fields #4 and #5 (west field) at the Dignity Health Sports Park, and the UCLA Intramural Fields.  Please note that free parking is available in the Velodrome parking lot west for field 7 (Old Beckham field) for fields #7, #2, and #3 at the Dignity Health Sports Park, therefore parking is not reimbursable for these three fields.  Parking at El Camino College is also not reimbursable as referees can get a free parking pass at the El Camino College Police Office located at the corner of Crenshaw/Redondo Beach Blvd.   Note:  SBSRA will bill CSL for the parking fees at the UCLA intramural fields and reimburse the referees upon receipt. Per the Guidelines, referees are required request reimbursement by notifying the Treasure within 30 days of the date on the parking ticket.

Match Guidance

Referee Health and Safety

Assigning Overview : An informative description about the SBSRA assigning process

Arbiter: the SBSRA Assignment System

Birth Year and Season Matrix

When determining the age group for a season, the year the season ends should be used for determining the birth year. Also note that the format “U followed by age” really means that age and younger. For example, U8 should be read as 8 and younger.


Cal South LOTG Modifications for all 7v7 and 9v9 matches