Training Complete? Booyah! Upload your certifications

Questions? Suggestions? Please contact the SBSRA Training Director

Required Training

Members must complete and upload the certificates:

CalSouth In-Service Training

While we meet monthly on the last Tuesday of the month at North High School, members should complete the monthly CalSouth In-Service Training online. Links to both the training and the associated survey for training credit are listed in the Monthly Meeting / Training Topics.

LOTG Training

Current LOTG can be found on the Laws and Guidance page.


Cal South LOTG Modifications for all 7v7 and 9v9 matches

LOTG Restarts

LOTG Restarts of the 8 restarts and the 9 criteria to compare them inclusive of the most recent modifications to the LOTG

PK vs KPM – Offenses and Restarts

Sanctioned Training


Dual Referee
System of Control

SBSRA uses the Dual Referee System of Control (Two Referee System) in some of our 7v7 leagues. In addition, some “friendly” matches may utilize the Dual Referee System of Control.

To prepare for such assignments, please review these self training materials on the Dual Referee System of Control:

NOTE: Do not use the Dual Referee System of Control for any USSF/Cal South sanctioned match. If the third referee fails to show up, use a club linesperson, do not use the Dual System.


    • Goal – help all of our referees improve.
    • Here is the latest stats on the membership’s rankings. Note the improvement in the number of higher ranked referees. The CORE sessions and other efforts by SBSRA members to improve the quality of the their referee abilities is showing positive results. KEEP IT UP!!

High Level Objectives

    • Referees
      • Improve the level of refereeing across SBSRA
      • Help referees upgrade to higher levels
      • Help drive common and consistent refereeing to SBSRA’s customers
      • Provide constructive feedback to referees so they can improve their referee skills and knowledge
      • Provide input into the yearly SBSRA referee ranking process
    • Assessors – Improve the pool of assessors used by SBSRA
      • Continue to be creative in expanding assessment programs/services to our referee community
      • Get all assessors on the “same page” on the “latest & greatest” concepts and tools
      • Deploy and use the same criteria for assessing all referees
      • Get all assessments properly documented
      • Provide more evaluation of assessor performances
    • Getting an Assessment